SBARGv2 Wiki

Michael "Mike"

The Null Player

imagineBreaker: Enter[]

Prototyping the BlackRockShooter Figma on his desk with the kernel sprite and armed with only his fists, Mike enters the game by dismantling a cruxite pocketwatch and finding a small gem hidden in the gears. Entering with a Team of 10 called the "League of Badasses", Mike didn't have too many active goals to complete besides help his team when they needed him. Unfortunately, after entry, Mike was rarely contacted by his team, and they ended up going silent; Never meeting in person. He assumed the worst and was left to continue his quest alone.

The Oddessy of Mike[]

General Information
Name Michael "Mike"
Age 18 (On Entry)
Gender Male
Handle imagineBreaker
Modus Equivalent Exchange
Strife Fistsx2kind
Moon Derse
Class Witch
Aspect Time

Dreaming on Derse[]

[pending information]

The Quest of the Land of Clay and Numbers[]

Upon entering his land, Mike found it eerily quiet... his consorts were missing. Teaming up with Blackrocksprite, he traversed his land, looking for signs of where the consorts went or what they even were. After asking some questions on the online memo, someone suggested putting the clay from the planet through the alchemizer. What he got was a small clay bird... After some searching, Mike noticed that the large chunks of numbers that had been floating around him were repeating. He didn't personally know any binary so he wrote it all down and put it through a decoder. The code read:

"Scrippsi under the mountain's dome, the sea is home, the sea is here, under the mountain we draw near."

Scrippsi? A little research solved the question. Scripps's Murrelet were a burrowing bird (making sense of the clay bird he got from the clay) and the mountain in question could be seen from Mike's house after entry. It sat right next to the sea and towered over everything in his land. This was his next destination.

Request to the Forge Master[]

The sea stretched to the mountain's base as a river, and where the two connected were large stone doors. They were locked with a holder lock and needed something bird shaped to be placed inside. Mike performed the obvious and placed the clay bird he made earlier into the slot. The massive doors creaked open and a hallway was presented to him. Inside, a chamber under the mountain was discovered. Along with hundreds of clay birds, the Consorts. So Mike found the consorts, but now what? They didn't appear to be alive, so what had he done wrong? As he was asking himself these questions, the Denizen of his land approached. Hephaestus.

The Witch of Time...?[]

[pending information]
